Children Therapy

Children Therapy1Did you know that much of the language that is used by children is non-verbal, and largely communicated through their expression, games, relationships and play-time?

At The LifeVesting Group, we want to create a therapeutic relationship, focused solely on the emotional and social well-being of your child. This differs from adult-related therapy in several, highly important ways.


Child therapy focuses on moving forward – who your child is and can become. Children are always in the process of moving forward, becoming who they will be later on in life. Therefore, looking back on past life events to find the sources of the problem, as you would in adult therapy, becomes irrelevant. The LifeVesting Group’s therapist are experts at helping children more forward with a strong sense of self, emotional strength, good relationships and good communication.


Our child therapy incorporates the use of activities, unstructured play, games and relationships to communicate with children. Sometimes, it is very difficult for children to translate actions into words, or feelings into words. So, through various activities and resources, children are able to express themselves and become themselves while working with the therapist. Our therapist speak both ‘adult’ and ‘child.’


Each of our worlds are very busy, filled with thing to grow us, relax us and distract us. Sometimes children lose track of themselves and need the experience of true “awareness of self” in an environment that is free of criticism and expectations. Once trust is built between your child and the therapist, the exploration can begin. It happens in the therapeutic space where growth and introspection are welcomed and demonstrated. Ultimately, our therapists are like a guide through the confusing territory of emotion and development.


  • Relief of symptoms
  • Work through traumatic situations and circumstances
  • Build self-esteem
  • Improve communication
  • Stimulate development in all areas: mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually
  • Build an emotional repertoire
  • Improve the emotional vocabulary